1. [Barnett and Lewis 1994]
    Comprehensive book on outlier analysis.
    Good for quoting. Orignially from V. Quesada. Outliers, quality control.

  2. [Berz and Conrad 1994]
    Changes in storminess have a significant impact on a variety of socio economic relevant activities and risks. An economic segment obviously sensitive to changes in the risk of wind related damages is the insurance industry ([Berz 1993,Berz and Conrad 1994]). Other relevant aspects are related to ocean waves and storm surges, and therir impat on off shore activities shiping and coastal structures.
    Ref. de [von Storch and Weisse 2007]

  3. [Gyalistras et al. 1994]
    Downscaling approach on the von Storch et al line for the Alps using ECHAM1 simulations as imputs.
    Downscaling, precipitation, gcm simulations, Alps.

  4. [Hanssen-Bauer and Forland 1994]
    Homogeneity problems of Norwegian precipitation series. Interesting method for selecting reference stations. Statistics about usual problems with inhomogeneities.
    Quality, homogenization, precipitation.

  5. [Jones et al. 1994]
    First study assessing the indirect effect (modification in cloud physics) of sulphate aerosols. The indirect effect would be in the range of half of the direct effect. See also [Mitchell et al. 1995a]
    Climate change, global warming, sulphate aerosols.

  6. [Latif and Barnett 1994]
    Mode of decadal climate variability in the Pacific. Enso, curoshio
    Enso, curoshio

  7. [Lynch-Stieglitz 1994]
    Lynch-Stieglitz [1994] investigated the behavior of annual signals in a land-surface model with a zero-flux lower-boundary condition imposed at 2.3 m and noted that the annual signal was attenuated less and phase shifted more with depth than what was expected; that is, the model formulation yielded subsurface temperatures that were warmer in summer and colder in winter, with maximums occurring later in the year, than what was expected in real- world conditions. Sun and Zhang [2004] provided an additional investigation of the finite-boundary effect, again focusing on the annual signal. They demonstrated behavior similar to that noted by Lynch-Stieglitz [1994] and concluded that land-surface models should place lower boundaries between 6 and 15 m, depending on the thermophysical properties of the modeled subsurface.
    Enso, curoshio

  8. [Moon et al. 1994]
    Example of Markov chain model for south Korea.
    Markov chain model

  9. [Noguer 1994]
    Downscaling of Hadley Center slp simulations to simulated precipitation over Iberia [Zorita et al. 1992]. Validation of GCM through comparison with structures obtained from observations. Uses CCA for downscaling.
    CCA. Downscaling. Model validation.

  10. [Oreskes et al. 1994]
    Verification and validation of numerical models of antural systems is impossible. This is because natural systems are never closed and because modell results are always nonunique. Models can be confirmed by the demonstration of agreement between observation and prediction, butconfirmation is inherently partial.
    Models, model validation.

  11. [Parker et al. 1994]
    Discussion on a merged land-sea temperature dataset of 5x5 latxlon. Reference for temperature data (CRU).
    Temperature data.

  12. [Schlesinger and Ramankutty 1994]
    A 65-70 year oscillation found on observational data. Posibly due to ocean-atmosphere interaction and mainly present in the NH area, mostly the area of influence of the Atlantic.
    Climate change, oscillations, observations, climate variability.

  13. [Wang et al. 1994]
    Western warming in Canada lower than central and eastern.
    Borehole reconstructions, last millennium