1. [Birkmann et al. 2021] Abstract. Reducing vulnerability is essential for adaptation to climate change. Compared to approaches that examine vulnerability to a specific hazard, our analysis offers an alternative perspective that conceptualizes vulnerability to climate change as a phenomenon that is independent of any specific type of hazard but relevant to multiple hazards. Vulnerability is thus a product of structural inequality and systemic in nature. Based on two established index systems, we perform global analyses of specific phenomena—such as poverty, access to basic infrastructure services and forced migration—that influence and determine vulnerability. Our statistical and spatial analyses reveal an emerging pattern of climate vulnerability within regional clusters and shows that vulnerability is a transboundary issue, crossing political, sectorial and geographical borders and impacting shared resources. The spatial statistical hotspot analysis of vulnerability underscores that hotspots, for example of high vulnerability, state fragility, low biodiversity protection or forced migration, emerge in multi-country clusters. This aspect has often been overlooked, most attention to-date having been given to the positioning of individual countries within vulnerability rankings. In hotspots such as in the Sahel, East and Central Africa, as well as in Southern Asia and Central America, vulnerability is interwoven with high levels of state fragility, making adaptation solutions more complex. The recognition of the regional clusters and the transboundary nature of vulnerability calls for new research and action on how to strengthen transboundary approaches for vulnerability reduction, potentially enhancing prospects for successful adaptation.

  2. [Cruz et al. 2021] Abstract. Despite the multiple impacts of mineral aerosols on global and regional climate and the primary climatic control on atmospheric dust fluxes, dust-climate feedbacks remain poorly constrained, particularly at submillennial time scales, hampering regional and global climate models. We reconstruct Saharan dust fluxes over Western Europe for the last 5000 years, by means of speleothem strontium isotope ratios (87Sr/86Sr) and karst modeling. The re- cord reveals a long-term increase in Saharan dust flux, consistent with progressive North Africa aridification and strengthening of Northern Hemisphere latitudinal climatic gradients. On shorter, centennial to millennial scales, it shows broad variations in dust fluxes, in tune with North Atlantic ocean-atmosphere patterns and with mon- soonal variability. Dust fluxes rapidly increase before (and peaks at) Late Holocene multidecadal- to century-scale cold climate events, including those around 4200, 2800, and 1500 years before present, suggesting the operation of previously unknown strong dust-climate negative feedbacks preceding these episodes.
    Saharan dust fluxes last 5000 yrs

  3. [Degroot et al. 2021] A large scholarship currently holds that before the onset of anthropogenic global warming, natural climatic changes long provoked subsistence crises and, occasionally, civilizational collapses among human societies. This scholarship, which we term the ‘history of climate and society’ (HCS), is pursued by researchers from a wide range of disciplines, including archaeologists, economists, geneticists, geographers, historians, linguists and palaeoclimatologists. We argue that, despite the wide interest in HCS, the field suffers from numerous biases, and often does not account for the local effects and spatiotemporal heterogeneity of past climate changes or the challenges of interpreting historical sources. Here we propose an interdisciplinary framework for uncovering climate–society interactions that emphasizes the mechanics by which climate change has influenced human history, and the uncertainties inherent in discerning that influence across different spatiotemporal scales. Although we acknowledge that climate change has sometimes had destructive effects on past societies, the application of our framework to numerous case studies uncovers five pathways by which populations survived—and often thrived—in the face of climatic pressures.
    HCS, History of Climate and Society

  4. [Glavovic et al. 2021] Abstract. The science-society contract is broken. The climate is changing. Science demonstrates why this is occurring, that it is getting worse, the implications for human well-being and social-ecological systems, and substantiates action. Governments agree that the science is settled. The tragedy of climate change science is that at the same time as compelling evidence is gathered, fresh warnings issued, and novel methodologies developed, indicators of adverse global change rise year upon year. Meanwhile, global responses to Covid-19 have shown that even emergent scientific knowledge can bolster radical government action. We explore three options for the climate change science community. We find that two options are untenable and one is unpalatable. Given the urgency and criticality of climate change, we argue the time has come for scientists to agree to a moratorium on climate change research as a means to first expose, then renegotiate, the broken science-society contract.
    science society contract

  5. [Gulev et al. 2013] IPCC AR5 Ch2 Changing state of the climate system
    AR6 ch2

  6. [Halifa-Marín et al. 2021] The Mediterranean basin was identified decades ago as a potential hotspot region under global warming, where droughts and floods keep increasing. However, uncertainties about how the water cycle is being affected by the climate change still remain. Henceforth, this study analyses the recent variability of winter precipitation (WP) in Andalusia, the southern Iberian Peninsula (IP), and their relationship with the Atlantic and Mediterranean sources. For that purpose, two representative teleconnection patterns were used: the NAO (Atlantic influence) and WeMO (Mediterranean) indexes. The results of this contribution revealed that WP mostly decreased in the target region, only increasing over south-eastern Andalusia. Also, the influence area of WeMO increased and its modulation magnitude in WP behaviour. In addition, series of these atmospheric patterns presented a breakpoint since 1980s towards NAO+ and WeMO-. Therefore, this contribution concludes that Andalusia can be divided into three areas based on the WP behaviour: (1) NAO-correlated (WeMO uncorrelated) where WP decreased; (2) NAO and WeMO-correlated, where WP did not change; and (3) WeMO correlated (NAO uncorrelated) where WP increased. Likewise, the extent of those regions mostly is determinate by geographical features. The orography does not allow the enhancement of the WeMO influence across large areas of Andalusia. As a result, WeMO- cannot compensate reductions of WP caused by NAO+, which concentrates WP reductions on its windward (most areas of Betic Mountains, where WeMO uncorrelated). Meanwhile, WeMO- promote WP increases on its wind- ward in the Betic Mountains (eastern slopes, south-eastern Andalusia); and coastal areas/Guadalquivir Valley where Mediterranean influence does not find a barrier effect caused by the relief.
    Andalucia precipitation, abrupt changes.

  7. [Kim et al. 2021] Abstract. In this study, we analyze extreme daily precipitation during the pre-industrial period from 1501 BCE to 1849 CE in simulations from the Community Earth System Model version 1.2.2. A peak-over-threshold (POT) extreme value analysis is employed to examine characteristics of extreme precipitation and to identify connections of extreme precipitation with the external forcing and with modes of internal variability. The POT analysis shows that extreme precipitation with similar statistical characteristics, i.e., the probability density distributions, tends to cluster spatially. There are differences in the distribution of extreme precipitation between the Pacific and Atlantic sectors and between the northern high and southern low latitudes.
    Extreme precipitation during the pre-industrial period is largely influenced by modes of internal variability, such as El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), the Pacific North American, and Pacific South American patterns, among others, and regional surface temperatures. In general, the modes of variability exhibit a statistically significant connection to extreme precipitation in the vicinity to their regions of action. The exception is ENSO, which shows more widespread influence on extreme precipitation across the Earth. In addition, the regions with which extreme precipitation is more associated, either by a mode of variability or by the regional surface temperature, are distinguished. Regional surface temperatures are associated with extreme precipitation over lands at the extratropical latitudes and over the tropical oceans. In other regions, the influence of modes of variability is still dominant. Effects of the changes in the orbital parameters on extreme precipitation are rather weak compared to those of the modes of internal variability and of the regional surface temperatures. Still, some regions in central Africa, southern Asia, and the tropical Atlantic ocean show statistically significant connections between extreme precipitation and orbital forcing, implying that in these regions, extreme precipitation has increased linearly during the 3351-year pre-industrial period. Tropical volcanic eruptions affect extreme precipitation more clearly in the short term up to a few years, altering both the intensity and frequency of extreme precipitation. However, more apparent changes are found in the frequency than the intensity of extreme precipitation. After eruptions, the return periods of extreme precipitation increase over the extratropical regions and the tropical Pacific, while a decrease is found in other regions. The post-eruption changes in the frequency of extreme precipitation are associated with ENSO, which itself is influenced by tropical eruptions.
    Overall, the results show that climate simulations are useful to complement the information on pre-industrial extreme precipitation, as they elucidate statistical characteristics and long-term connections of extreme events with natural variability.
    extreme precipitation, CESM model

  8. [Kim and Raible 2021] Abstract. In this study, we analyze the dynamics of multi- year droughts over the western and central Mediterranean for the period of 850–2099 CE using the Community Earth System Model version 1.0.1. Overall, the model is able to realistically represent droughts over this region, although it shows some biases in representing El Niño–Southern Oscil- lation (ENSO) variability and mesoscale phenomena that are relevant in the context of droughts over the region. The analysis of the simulations shows that there is a dis- crepancy among diverse drought metrics in representing du- ration and frequencies of past droughts in the western and central Mediterranean. The self-calibrated Palmer drought severity index identifies droughts with significantly longer duration than other drought indices during 850–1849CE. This re-affirms the necessity of assessing a variety of drought indices in drought studies in the paleoclimate context as well. Independent of the choice of the drought index, the anal- ysis of the period 850–1849 CE suggests that Mediterranean droughts are mainly driven by internal variability of the cli- mate system rather than external forcing. Strong volcanic eruptions show no connection to dry conditions but instead are connected to wet conditions over the Mediterranean. The analysis further shows that Mediterranean droughts are char- acterized by a barotropic high-pressure system together with a positive temperature anomaly over central Europe. This pattern occurs in all seasons of drought years, with stronger amplitudes during winter and spring. The North Atlantic Os- cillation (NAO) and ENSO are also involved during Mediter- ranean multi-year droughts, showing that droughts occur more frequently with positive NAO and La Niña-like con- ditions. These modes of variability play a more important role during the initial stage of droughts. As a result, the persistence of multi- year droughts is determined by the interac- tion between the regional atmospheric and soil moisture vari- ables, i.e., the land–atmosphere feedbacks, during the transi- tion years of droughts. These feedbacks are intensified during the period 1850– 2099 CE due to the anthropogenic influence, thus reducing the role of modes of variability on droughts in this period. Eventually, the land–atmosphere feedbacks induce a constant dryness over the Mediterranean region for the late 21st cen- tury relative to the period 1000–1849 CE.
    drought mediterranean, climate change, LM, scenario

  9. [McCrystall et al. 2021] Abstract. As the Arctic continues to warm faster than the rest of the planet, evidence mounts that the region is experiencing unprecedented environmental change. The hydrological cycle is pro- jected to intensify throughout the twenty-first century, with increased evaporation from expanding open water areas and more precipitation. The latest projections from the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) point to more rapid Arctic warming and sea-ice loss by the year 2100 than in previous projections, and consequently, larger and faster changes in the hydrological cycle. Arctic precipitation (rainfall) increases more rapidly in CMIP6 than in CMIP5 due to greater global warming and poleward moisture transport, greater Arctic amplification and sea-ice loss and increased sensitivity of precipitation to Arctic warming. The transition from a snow- to rain-dominated Arctic in the summer and autumn is projected to occur decades earlier and at a lower level of global warming, potentially under 1.5 °C, with profound climatic, ecosystem and socio-economic impacts.
    precipitation in the Arctic in scenario simulations CMIP6

  10. [Ezpeleta and Roye 2021] Resumen: En este trabajo se aplica una metodología nueva al estudio de las noches calurosas, también denominadas “tropicales”, en el área me- tropolitana de Madrid, de cara a evaluar desde una perspectiva temporal y espacial aquellas noches en las que la población pueda verse afectada por estrés térmico. La utilización de dos indicadores obtenidos a través de datos horarios, junto a la información climática suministrada por el modelo UrbClim, ha permitido conocer a una escala de detalle las características térmicas de las noches del mes de julio entre 2008 y 2017, pudiendo así evaluar con más precisión el riesgo para el bienestar y la salud de la población. Los resultados muestran una gran variabilidad interurbana en cuanto a intensidad y duración del estrés térmico, así como una correla- ción significativa entre las intensidades de la isla de calor y los índices de exceso de calor. Asimismo se ha comprobado la existencia de una estre- cha relación entre las tipologías de usos del suelo y estructuras urbanas de- finidas en el Urban Atlas, y los índices de exceso de calor nocturno.
    Efecto urbano, indices de exceso de calor.

  11. [Morán-Tejeda et al. 2021] Abstract. In 2015, a new automatic weather station (AWS) was installed in a high elevation site in Gredos mountains (Central System, Spain). Since then, a surprisingly high number of heavy precipitation events have been recorded (55 days with precipita- tion over 50 mm, and a maximum daily precipitation of 446.9 mm), making this site a hotspot in Spain in terms of annual precipitation (2177 mm year) and extreme precipitation events. The neighboring stations available in the region with longer data series, including the closest ones, already informed of wet conditions in the area, but not comparable with such anomaly behavior detected in the new station (51% higher). In this study, we present the temporal variability of detected heavy pre- cipitation events in this mountain area, and its narrow relation with atmospheric patterns over the Iberian Peninsula. Results revealed that 65% of the events occurred during advections from West, Southwest, South and cyclonic situations. A regres- sion analysis showed that the precipitation anomaly is mostly explained by the location windward to the Atlantic wet air masses and the elevation. However, the variance explained by the models is rather low (average R2 for all events > 50 mm is 0.21). The regression models underestimate on average a 60% intensity of rainfall events. Oppositely, the high-resolution weather forecast model AROME at 0.025° was able to point out the extraordinary character of precipitation at this site, and the underestimation of observed precipitation in the AWS was about 26%. This result strongly suggests the usefulness of weather models to improve the knowledge of climatic extremes over large areas, and to improve the design of currently available observational networks.
    Precipitation, models, Gredos